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Nehalem River
This looks like the Nehalem River where the family often took camping vacations. Perhaps not, given the fishing pole, but Dick also seems to be holding a crawdad trap which the family often used on the Nehalem when family friend and survivor of the Russian Revolution Peter Illiinsky was along. Peter thought crawdads a delicacy and had a special set of herbs that they were boiled in for the evening camp meal.

With Libonati Cousins Jul 1973
Dated July 1973, this was taken at the Oregon Coast, another favorite vacation spot often shared with the Libonati family. In the foreground is Cousin Dana, Then red-headed Dick and Cousin Glen in the back.

Dick and Ken with Cincinnati July 7 1973
Beautiful but heart breaking picture of Dick just more than a week before his accident at High Valley Farm. He stands holding the reins of his horse Cincinnati with wild-haired brother Ken opposite. Dick was a heartthrob.

High Valley Horse Pasture
Dick lived at the High Valley Farm commune in the Columbia River Gorge from the summer of 1972 through spring of 1973. One of the commune tenants took care of a small herd of horses. This was the pasture fenced off for the horses, one of which would eventually cone into Dick’s possession.

Dick and Smut
It was a wickedly cold 1972-3 winter at High Valley in the Columbia River. Here Dick is comforted and warmed a bit by Dennis Ely’s dog “Smut.” The dog wasn’t all that attractive, but the smartest dog we ever encountered.

Making Plans with Barbara at the Blue Barn
This was Dick probably in the summer of 1972 before starting school at Stevenson High School. This was on the decking at the “Blue Barn,” the communal commons building where he ate and slept. He’s with Barbara, friend of one of the High Valley members, making some kind of plans.

Something's Up
Quintessential Dick- fun loving with a strong helping of mischievousness.

Dana and Dick Cutting Cake April 1972
Here is thirteen year old Dick helping his cousin Dana cut a four-layer cake. Dana prided himself on is cake baking prowess and Dick was always eager to assist.

School Photo
Not sure the date. This looks to be a school photo tha may have been taken in 1971 when Dick spent part of a school year in New York City with his Uncle Ben, Aunt Elsie, and Cousin Scott. He was an adventurous young man!

In the summers of 1969 and 1970 Dick’s parents arranged to have him and brother Ken spend 2 weeks on the McKay Ranch near Harper, Oregon. It was a family ranch with five girls who took charge of the young boys: Dick learned to drive a 15 gear stick shift tractor, and rode his beloved assigned horse George bareback! The boys were in heaven.

Watching Harmonograph Nov 1969
Dick’s stepfather Jim Canon was a renaissance man: business, law, art, home designer/builder, and inventor. Here Dick watches Jim’s harmonograph in motion. Jim planned to market it as a toy. It was a fascinating device and Jim’s designs steadily improved, but it was never marketed. If you don’t know what a harmonograph is, it’s worth a quick internet search.

McKay Ranch Malheur River
The Malheur River ran along or nearby the McKay Ranch where Dick spent time in the summers of 1968 and 1969. It was hot, and after a long day of rounding up milk cows, riding the range on his beloved one-eyed George, and learning to drive a tractor, it was time for a refreshing swim on those hot languid summer afternoons.

Birthday Party at Libonatis
Dick in the foreground next to Libonati cousins Dana next to Dick and then Glen. Brother Ken at the far end. The Libonati home décor was ever stuck in the 1950s. Note the ashtray and cigarette pack in front of Dick—they weren’t his, it was just a different time.

Dick was very artistic. This was likely done in 1971 around age 13 during his stay in New York City. He also practiced calligraphy, of which just a few samples remain with us.


Dick and Ken 1966
Road trip with the Wassermans, Dick and Ken ages about 8 and 10.

Dick in Indian Country 1966.jpg
Road trip with Wassermans, 1966.
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