Add to Dick's History
A short history of a beautiful young man
Dick was struck and killed by a hit-and-run drunk driver with a suspended license on July 15, 1973. The family was so in shock, we never really held a proper memorial for him. So here is a place for friends and family to gather at least virtually to remember him.
There is a Jewish tradition of saying of the deceased, “May their memory be a blessing.” Dick left an indelible and lasting blessing– a mother bound and determined to fight for greater bicycle safety and more effective treatment of intoxicated drivers. She made progress on both and now we have bike lanes and paths, better acceptance of helmets, and much more effective drunk driving laws and enforcement. Rates of drunk driving are less than a third of what they were in 1973. I am told that Dick’s friends became scrupulous about having a “designated driver” in their alcohol-involved events. Dick’s memory is literally a blessing.